Mould Removal in Twickenham. Reliable Mould Remediation Service

  • Personalised treatment plans;
  • Full coverage;
  • 12 month service guarantee;
  • Finding hidden mould sources.
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Book Mould Removal in Twickenham in 4 Simple Steps


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An experienced mould removal and remediation specialist will inspect the affected areas of your property;


Effective methods will be used to entirely eliminate the mould. Mould prevention chemicals will be applied after the service as well;


Enjoy your safer and more welcoming home!

Count on us For Effective Mould Removal and Remediation in Twickenham

Our professionals are trained and experienced in dealing with mould, no matter what your situation is. They are able to provide you with professional advice and complete mould eradication.

Professional Mould Removal in Twickenham

Our complete black mould removal service is both detailed and efficient. We begin with a meticulous inspection to determine the extent and nature of the mould issue. Using specialised equipment, we then isolate the impacted areas to stop the spread of mould spores. Furthermore, we also carry mould testing equipment to guarantee precise identification and successful treatment. We also prioritise the removal of mould spores by purifying the air to bring the spore count down to a safe level.

High-Quality Mould Remediation

We are also more than happy to assist you with our top-notch mould remediation service. This is a more in-depth service, when compared to mould removal. When you book mould remediation, a technician will inspect the infested areas. Afterwards, he will entirely remove the mould affected material. Lastly, the professional will provide effective tips and a plan for future mould prevention. As part of this plan, a thorough mould treatment will be implemented to ensure long-term protection.

professional's hands with yellow gloves, spraying a solution on black mould on a wall

Industrial-Grade Chemicals For Effective Mould Removal

A mould removal exoert, wearing a protective suit and a mask with a filter, working on removing mould with a tool in his hands

Our Dewpoint-certified mould removal technicians are committed to using only the highest-quality chemicals for effective mould remediation. These products are specifically chosen for their proven ability to eliminate mould and preventing mould growth in the future, ensuring the safety of your environment. By using the best available solutions, we ensure a thorough and lasting removal of mould.

InstaPURE for Total Mould Elimination

InstaPURE is a sterilant component found in the chemicals that our technicians use for mould removal. It easily destroys surface and airborne mould. Dry fog containing InstaPURE is completely non-toxic and dissipates within minutes of treatment. Mould is being completely destroyed by tearing apart cell walls and breaking down proteins. The dry fog technology our specialists utilise allows them to reach every nook and cranny of your property. Positive air pressure ensures full coverage of the affected surfaces.

EverPURE Provides Long-Lasting Protection

A chemical bond is formed between EverPURE and surfaces, preventing mold growth in the future. Designed to eliminate mould spores on contact, it is non-toxic, family-friendly, and safe for use around the home. The EverPURE antimicrobial film binds covalently to surfaces, creating an invisible, mould-proof barrier. The electrostatic properties of EverPURE draw mould spores and destroy them by attacking them with microscopic carbon spikes.

See What Customers Have to Say About our Mould Removal and Remediation Service in Twickenham

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the signs that I have a mould problem?
A: If you suspect that your property has mould, there are a number of signs to look for. Mold could cause unexplained allergic reactions such as sneezing, coughing, or runny nose. It is also possible that mold in your property is contributing to the worsening of your asthma symptoms. If there is visible mould growth on walls, ceilings, or other surfaces, there is clearly a problem. Furthermore, persistent dampness and water stains on your property may indicate the presence of mould.
Q: What is the purpose of dry fog and what does it do?
A: We offer a unique dry fog system that allows us to cover your entire home with fog. Mold can be eliminated from surfaces, in the air, on furniture, and even behind cavity walls. The microbial film we apply prevents mould from returning to all surfaces, and we guarantee it. The majority of mould remediation companies use wet foggers (ULV fogging), which apply sterilant in droplets that condense on surfaces but don't affect airborne mould spores or mycotoxins. Using dry fog technology, we condense sterilants into ultra-fine molecules. As a result, mould spores and mycotoxins that can't be gotten rid of by traditional methods are eliminated. By creating positive air pressure, the dry fog machine ensures the sterilant reaches all surfaces and objects in a room or house.
Q: Is it possible for dry fog to reach all moulds?
A: Our patented technology is able to reach particles that are 7.5 microns in size. As mould spores range in size from 12 to 30 microns, our fog can penetrate any area where mould spores can grow. The back of a wall can be treated directly if there is an issue behind it. We can create small holes in between the studs to make this possible.
Q: How will I know that the treatment worked?
A: Three air samples will be taken by the technician: one before and one after treatment, as well as an outdoor sample for comparison. We send these samples to an independent laboratory that has no affiliation with any of the mould testing or remediation companies. Upon receiving the results, we will provide you with an easy-to-understand dashboard.
Q: Are you treating the airborne mould spores?
A: Both visible mould and airborne mould spores can be treated on your property by our technicians. Since airborne mould particles are invisible to the human eye, we use specialist technology to detect and eliminate them.
Q: Are the chemicals used for treating mould harmful?
A: No, our two-step dry fog treatment uses EPA-approved and completely non-toxic chemicals.
Q: Will I have to leave the property for the service to take place?
A: If we need to treat and remediate mould in your property, then you will need to leave the property. The mold spores being targeted can cause serious health problems to those not wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
Q: Do you have any tips for preventing black mould growth in home or workplace?
A: Mould growth can be prevented by ensuring proper ventilation, fixing any serious water leaks, and using a dehumidifier in damp areas. It is important to regularly clean surfaces, especially those in bathrooms and kitchens, and to use materials that are mould-resistant whenever possible.
Q: Is it safe for me to remove mould or should I hire a professional?
A: Over-the-counter cleaning products and DIY solutions are often effective for small-scale mould problems. There are a variety of mould removal products available that are effective for minor issues. It's best to hire a professional mould removal company if you have an infestation large enough, have significant water damage, or are experiencing health issues.

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