Window cleaning - Our purified water window cleaning service delivers exceptional results. To reach windows up to the 4th floor, our cleaners use telescopic poles, eliminating the need for ladders. We ensure streak-free windows by meticulously spraying, rinsing and paying close attention to detail.
Upholstery Cleaning - Our specialised cleaning services will extend the life of your upholstered sofa. Using advanced technology, our team achieves exceptional results. It is our responsibility to assess fabric types and choose the most effective cleaning method for your sofa, ensuring optimal results.
Carpet cleaning - The highly trained professionals at Fantastic Services can handle any rug or carpet cleaning job. Our experts consistently deliver flawless results with extensive training, insurance coverage, and unwavering dedication. Whether you have delicate carpets or resilient rugs, we tailor our cleaning process to meet your needs.
Mattress Cleaning - We are proud of our expertise in mattress care at Fantastic Services. By utilising cutting-edge techniques, we effectively remove deeply embedded dirt and minimise allergy risks. We begin with meticulous vacuuming, followed by pre-treatment. There are also three types of cleaning methods: dry cleaning, steam cleaning, and dry UV light cleaning.